A little history....I remember my Mom bringing us

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I remember weekends were for exploring. Having a Mom who taught 5th grade, you expect to be learning all the time and we did.  I have a few sisters and we would load up in our station wagon and head out.  Ofter heading South from Tucson, will it be Green Valley, Patagonia, Nogales, Bisbee, Old Tucson...as our final destination.

Here is some history about Green Valley, it's Inception and some  interesting history.....

In and around 1959, R. Keith Walden, the founder of Green Valley Pecan company (and considered virtual father of Green Valley) along with the Maxon brothers, Don and Norm (Chicago architect and developer) had a vision for a true retirement "community".  They fell in love with this area, naming it "Green Valley" and started what is now the place we all call home!!​

Green Valley Townhouse Association 5, Inc. residential sites were  built and established as an HOA by the same Maxon brothers who turned over ownership on July 31,1964. The Association at that time was known as Green Valley Residential Site Association, Inc. One home just sold by the Dillards family in the recent past.  Anyone with history in Tucson knows of this family.

​The Maxon brothers worked with FHA funding and 2 non-profit sponsors ( the University of Arizona Retirement Foundation and the New York State Teachers Retirement Fund)  as they set out to build 1,150 apartment units within a 3,000 acre area that would include shopping facilities, golf course, lake, medical facilities, Fire & Police and more!

 In 1964 the Villas East and West were built as 1 and 2 bedroom apartments one could rent for $45 per month for the 1 bedroom floor plan and $55 per month for the 2 bedroom model. 

   Of special note, these units were built with hallways and doorways that were wheelchair accessible, years before any handicap laws were put into place! The apartments would also provide access to a very new and special concept... social centers that were free to all residents!!  The East Center was the first of the social centers offering activities that included golf (what is now Haven Golf Course), wood shop, card games, tennis, shuffleboard, pool, classes of all sorts, dances and even free bus service to Tucson.​

  -The first HOA, The Fairways

  -The first library, an original resident volunteered space in  2 closets of their home

  -The first "Country Fair" was in 1964.   A group of women in the community got together for a makeshift yard sale and raised $146.20 which they in turn donated to the community to help its local residents.  This community group is what we all know now as our own Country Fair White Elephant Thrift Store.  Through their fund raising efforts, they have donated monies in excess of $31 million to our local community in its 54 year existence. 

GV 1964